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Latest News
2005 November 14
New style applied to News page.
2005 November 14
ASP includes activated in pages with new style.
2005 November 10
New site design premieres on main and Contacts pages.
2004 March 28
Now online on our useful information page. Mr. Jeffcoat's cooking extravaganza.
2003 November 17
After a minor mishap which caused our website to go down for a few weeks
Troop 57 is now back on line!
2003 October 18
Eagles' Nest has been
updated again. We're at 156 Eagles and
2003 March 26
Eagles' Nest has been
updated again. We're at 153 Eagles and
counting! Way to go 57!!
2003 February 19
Eagles Nest has been
updated. We're at 150 Eagles and
2003 February 3
The Circle Ten Council website has
been updated with new on-line training. BSA now has added Fast Start on-line training for
Boy Scouts and Venturing to go along with the Cub Scout course. In addition, there is now
on-line Youth Protection Training.
2002 November 23
Cool Stuff updated with all of the
Summer and Fall 2002 activities.
2002 May 12
Cool Stuff updated with pictures
from the AOL & Pioneering campouts, and pictures of our Scout Show booth in action!
(and for you old-timers a few pix from the '98
Shooting campout with a cool picture of the Troop Cannon being fired)
2002 April 18
District Camporee cancelled
2002 April 18
Pack 1978 Crossover photos posted
2002 February 15
Check out the new Troop 57 Sign by the
entrance to the Troop room!