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April 26-28 2002

Annually, Troop 57 performs an Arrow of Light awards ceremony for local cub scout packs. This year, we returned to Texoma Lutheran Camp where we honored the young men from three different packs in Gray Owl district.

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The Troop arrived Friday night and set up camp. Bright and early Saturday morning the boys began setting up and rehearsing for the ceremony. As always, Troop 57 did everything it could to make the event memorable for the new Scouts. The ceremony was centered around a Native American theme, and consisted of bonfires, drums, flaming arrows, an illluminated replica of the Arrow of Light badge, and a cast in full regalia.

After the Arrow ceremony was finished, the note became more solemn as the troop had the honor of retiring an American Flag.

We want to emphasize that the Scouts of Troop 57 themselves did all of the planning, preparation, and presentation for both of the ceremonies. The troop adults served in advisory and support roles only as needed. We are extremely proud of our scouts and their accomplishment.

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The Preparation

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The troop got up early Saturday morning and had breakfast. Later, when the equipment trailer arrived, it was time to go to work.

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The guys prepared the bonfires, assembled the shelter, built teepees, wired the effects, and then began rehearsing.

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The Ceremony

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The Cast

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The great Warrior Chief, Akela, arrives with his council at the ring of honor. He turns toward the cliffs and asks the Spirits to send fire. A ball of flame streaks down from atop the cliff to light the council fire, and the ceremony begins.

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The arrow belonging to each candidate is examined. If found to be straight, true, and worthy, the candidate is awarded the Arrow of Light: the highest award in the cub scouting program. As each recipient's name is announced, in his honor the tribal archer sends an arrow of flame arching through the night sky and a new scout is welcomed into the brotherhood of Boy Scouting.

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The Flag Retirement

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According to the United States Flage Code, "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning."

The flag is unfolded by the honor guard. Then, as the name of each of the original thirteen colonies is announced, a stripe repesenting that colony is separated from the flag, respectfully placed onto the flames, and saluted.
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Once all of the stripes have been burned, the blue field is then placed onto the flames and saluted.
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As all watch in silence the beautiful sound of Taps echoes down from the cliff top, closed with the thunder of a single cannon shot.

This flag may be gone, but its memory and honor will live on forever.

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Going Home!

Tired, yet feeling the satisfaction of a job well done, the Troop 57 heads for home.

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I would like to extend my congratulations to the Webelos who received their arrows, and their families. I also want to express a hearty Well Done! to the Scouts of 57. You guys are awesome! I am proud of each and every one of you.
Robert Garrett, Scoutmaster

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