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Circle Ten Scout Show

May 11, 2002

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Troop 57 participated in Circle Ten Council's annual Scout Show. The annual event is a showcase for area scouting units and for the council's scouting program. This year the show took place at Market Hall in Dallas. This year we challenged visitors to our booth to complete our mini-COPE course, a series of challenges that required communication and teamwork to complete successfully.

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Cave Treasure Challenge

Teams must retreive a treasure from a spot deep within a mysterious cave. Oh, by the way, the floor of the cave is coated with magic goo. Whatever touches the goo becomes stuck and cannot move.

Flooded Campsite Challenge

Caught by surprise by a sudden Texas cloudburst, each team must successfully get all of its members onto the only dry ground available. The "dry ground" consisted of the top of a small wobbly wooden box.

"Hazardous Waste" Challenge

Teams must work together to move a container of "hazardous waste". Ropes must be used to lift and carry the container over a distance of approximately twenty (20) feet, then set it down without spilling any of its contents. All team members must remain at least ten (10) feet away from the container at all times. This task is impossible to do without teamwork and coordination.

And in case you were wondering what the "toxic waste" was...
... it was used scoutmaster bathwater! (gross)

Other Attractions

One of our scouts demontrates the proper use of one of our more popular attractions.
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While our eager staff surrounds yet another unsuspecting vict.. er... visitor.
We also enjoyed visiting other booths at the show.
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scout-show-food.jpg (79100 bytes) Especially the ones that had food!

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