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Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch
July 2012

Pumpkin' Chunkin'

Labor Day Parade
September 3, 2012
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Troop 57 in the News

Troop 57 Photo Gallery
Troop 57 on Facebook
H Merriman Receives Silver Palm DMN 1-3-13
Scouts Lead Labor Day Parade DMN 9-5-13
Tom Cooper Receives Silver Beaver DMN 6-22-12
Members Learn Advanced First Aid DMN 1-20-12
Troop 57 Leads Labor Day Parade DMN 9-16-11
Troop 57 in Colorado DMN 8-5-11
Troop 57 Arrow of Light DMN 4-4-11
Troop 57 at Winter Camp DMN 1-4-11
Scouts Celebrate Labor Day DMN 9-9-10
Troop 57 Climbs and Rappels DMN 8-23-10
Troop 57 Philmont Expedition DMN 8-13-10
57 Boy Scouts go to Oklahoma DMN 7-16-10
Troop 57 Goes Fishing DMN 10-2-09
Neighborsgo Cover 10-16-09

Welcome to Troop 57!
New Web Site

Troop 57 has a new web site published by our youth webmaster. The most up to date troop information can be found at .

April Campout
Urban and Wilderness Survival April 25-27 $10 food $10 transportation

April 29 - SWIM TEST and TFC (Second Class and First Class) aquatic requirements Rockwall location – more information to come Cost $3 per person taking test Scouts are encouraged to begin swimming and increase their endurance before attending this event. Please note that many younger scouts have difficulty with the swim test. This is common and should not discourage you.

May Campout
Canoe and Kayak May 16-18

June 16-19 Merit Badge College

June 20-22 Water Sports Campout

Summer Camp 2014
July 13-19, 2014 Camp Rockefeller Damascus, AR Cost $375

4 Adults 8 Youth slots available June 13, 2015 – June 25, 2015 Cost $1,100

Troop 57 70th Anniversary Reunion

The Wood Badge adult training program is highly recommended. Information on Circle 10 Council Wood Badge is available here.
Troop 57 Wood Badge Graduates

Troop 57 and Venture Crew 57 are members of the Duck Creek District of Circle Ten Council, Boy Scouts of America. In 2001, Venture Crew 57 began providing high adventure activities for Scouts who meet the age and experience requirements for participation. Both Troop 57 and Crew 57 are chartered by the First United Methodist Church of Garland, Texas.