Troop 57

Troop 57 Christmas

Troop 57

Troop 57s Annual Christmas Party And Holiday "Good Deed"

December 19 - 22, 2001

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Troop 57 had its annual christmas party the week before Christmas. It was the usual good spirited affair it has always been but with a few surprises this year. First we had a special visitor in the form one of Troop 57's eagle scout alumni. Second, this year's party took on a special meaning when the troop decided to combine it with a combination food/toy/clothing drive for a local family in need.

When provisions for the family's holiday season fell through at the last minute, 57 stepped in to help. We combined our annual Christmas party with an effort to collect food, clothing, and toys for them. The results were outstanding. At the end of the evening not only were there sacks and sacks of groceries but also a large stack of good clothing, a very healthy sized pile of childrens presents, and two brand new bicycles for the little ones.

The Scouts of Troop 57 really came through on this one. Demonstrating not only the Spirit of Christmas, but also the Spirit of the Scout Law. A Scout Is Helpful ..... A Scout Is Kind.

{Click on an image to enlarge it}

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December 19, 2001 - - - The Party

Everyone arrived and started stacking their presents for the Chinese Gift Swap and their donations on the tables. Mr. Garrett and greenbar welcomed everyone to the party and then things got underway.

Before starting Mr. Garrett gave everyone new Troop 57 belt fobs to hold the beads they receive for going on campouts and other troop events.

Mr. Garrett explains the rules for the gift exchange.

The troop really came through. There were tons of gifts for everyone to .......
Hey! Wait a minute! Who's that special visitor in the back?

Hmmmm, I wonder what's in this one ....

Even the adults got in on the fun

Maybe if I hide this one no one else will pick it

A Troop 57 eagle scout and Air Force Cadet showed up for the party in his ROTC blues. !
Welcome Back Trey! We've missed you!

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The Donations Table .... {Not too shabby guys ...}
This will be very well appreciated !!!!

Some Assembly Required ..... The most dreaded words to be heard at Christmastime .....
{What do you mean insert tab "C" into slot "D" ... I haven't even found tab "A" yet!}

December 22, 2001 - - - The Delivery

The Troop trailer arriving Saturday morning.


Santa's Helpers
{Funny, I didn't know elves were that tall ...}


The donations after they'd been loaded into the trailer.


Arriving at the drop-off point.

Unloading the groceries


Unloading the gifts

Unloading the clothing

Unloading The Bikes

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