Winter Camp 2001

Archery Theme

January 2001

In January Troop 57 embarked on Winter Camp 2001. We left Friday evening and headed out to Oleo Farms in Wills Point (many thanks to Mr. McNair for allowing us to camp on his property again). We arrived after dark and set our camp in a very chilly evening. By the next morning the temperature had dropped to below freezing. Several of us had to knock the ice off of our tents & gear and the ground which had been somewhat damp and marshy the night before had frozen solid. The scoutmaster's water bottle had frozen as well - while INSIDE his tent.

{Click on a thumbnail to see a larger image}

Campfire (91392 bytes) Thawing Out (97195 bytes) We managed to get a fire going & started thawing out before begining breakfast.
(They're not frowning 'cause they're sad, they're just a little cold)

KP (109465 bytes)

Once breakfast was over our boys finished their KP (after they chipped the ice out of the bucket it went a little faster).
Firewood (104133 bytes) Sawing Wood (120529 bytes) Several of the boys decided it would be a good idea to keep a generous supply of fire wood on hand.

Whittlin' (104914 bytes)

Or maybe just practice a little Whittlin'.
Visitors1 (97625 bytes) After things warmed up a bit we set up the archery range.
While we were getting it ready our host (Mr. McNair) dropped by for a visit.
Visitors2 (59932 bytes) Visitors3 (83643 bytes) Along with a couple of his friends.
Archery Range1 (47799 bytes) Archery Range2 (83148 bytes) This is what the archery range looked like once we got it set up.
Aiming (58664 bytes) Aiming2 (64970 bytes) Ready ... Aim ...
Target (93489 bytes) Aw come on guys, tell me at least ONE of my arrows hit the target !!!
Flag Ceremony (1407 KB) (1.4 MB mpeg) The next morning we had breakfast & struck camp, but we still found time to have a flag ceremony and chapel service before heading back home.

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