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Troop 57 Takes Part In The Annual Labor Day Parade

September 2, 2002

Troop 57 shows its community spirit by entering a float in Garland's annual Labor Day Parade.
The float had a definite Scouting theme. The whole works was assembled using our lashing and knot tieing skills.

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Building The Float

The Scouts really went all out on the design of this year's float. The guys lashed together cedar poles to construct the framework.
The poles were a result of an earlier service project Troop 57 did for the Heard Museum in McKinney We removed the cedar from an area they are trying to restore to native prairie.


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Scoutmaster, Scouts and Scouters lashing together the framework.


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Scouts lashing together A-Frames to be used assembling the float


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Finishing up the frame lashing Scouts and Scouters lashing the tarp to the frame Taking a much deserved water break Can't have a parade without the Troop cannon
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Getting Into Position

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On our way Heading for Williams Stadium Tooling down Glenbrook In position and waiting to start
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Group Shot Our picture being snapped by someone in another float Another Group Shot Pack 1978's Float
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The Parade

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Our Mayor being chaffeured by a Troop 57 Scout Our Charter Organizations Float
First United Methodist Church

Here Come The Cubs

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Pack 585

Pack 1024

Pack 1978

Here Comes Troop 57

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Troop 57 on the move Scouts on the front of the float with the Troop cannon Waving to the parade watchers Drummer Scout
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Cowboy Scout Marching Drummers Drum and Bugle Scouts waving
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Friendly parade watcher helping us cool off Happy Scout Scouts with cannon
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I Say 50 ! ... You Say 7 ! Rear shot showing our awsome pivoting flagpole
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Troop 57 passing in front of Garland High School
film2.gif (1172 bytes) 5 Second MPEG Movie of Troop 57 in the Parade (475KB)
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End of the Line

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Heading back to Cooper Concrete to dismantle the float Pulling into Cooper Concrete and taking the float apart

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