In 1945, Garland had grown from a small town of some 2,000 people to approximately 7,000. Rev. W. D. Craig, then pastor of the First Methodist Church, saw the need for an organization that would provide a worthwhile program for boys. He, like many others, believed that Scouting can become a way of life and that it is hard for a good Scout to grow up to be a bad man. He applied for a charter on January 12, 1945, and so Troop 57 was born.
Since that time Troop 57 has been in continuous operation, serving the youth and the community of Garland, Texas and the surrounding area. As one of the oldest troops in Circle Ten Council, we are very proud of our heritage.
Because we've been around so long, it can prove difficult to tell our story. Collected here is a growing collection of tales and legends about Troop 57 that we'd like to bind for posterity...or our upcoming Troop Reunion!
If you have any stories, facts, photos or advice to share, please send it all to our Committee Chair, Webmaster or any of our other leadership and they'll be up here soon.
Pack 1978 moves its charter to First United Methodist Church.
Tom Cooper retires as Scoutmaster, becomes Troop 57 Committee Chair.
Kevin Harrison becomes Scoutmaster.
Robert Garrett retires as Scoutmaster, becomes Crew 57 Venture Advisor.
Tom Cooper becomes Scoutmaster.
Scout Oak is felled from FUMC lawn to make room for church expansion.
Kevin Harrison retires as Scoutmaster, becomes Troop 57 Committee Chair
Robert Garrett becomes Scoutmaster.
Pack 57 does not recharter.
September 3, 1963
Eagle Court of Honor for 8 Troop 57 Eagle Scouts on same date.
Troop 57 sends contingent to Golden Jubilee National Jamboree in Colorado Springs.
More 1950's
January 20, 1947
Don Squibb became Troop 57's first Eagle Scout.
First United Methodist Church chartered Boy Scout Troop 57.
More 1940's
Date Unknown
First United Methodist Church chartered Cub Scout Pack 57 for the purpose of seeding a Boy Scout troop.
Troop 57 Scoutmasters
Kevin Harrison 2010-Present
Tom Cooper 2007- 2010
Robert Garrett 1999-2007
Tom Oliver 1998-1999
Kevin Harrison 1994-1998
Mike Henrichsen 1988-1994
Brig Knight 1987-1988
Loyd Roland 1980-1987
John Wester 1976-1980
Bill Holmes 1975-1976
Nick Cranfill 1974
Bob Warren 1973
K. T. Scott 1972
Benny Burden 1970-1971
Leon Mobley 1967-1970
Bob Dyer 1966
Duane Holford 1965
Bob Keith 1964
Duane Holford 1957-1964
J. W. (Johnny) Jones 1955-1956
Kermit Lofton 1953-1954
Ken Gray 1947-1952
Charles Struwe 1945-1946